It’s January 2nd we all have our new year's resolutions in hand and a fresh sense of eagerness in our step. As usual the year is young and full of hope. Optimism is at an all time high. But all too often many of us lose that hope as the year rolls on because we don’t reach our goals. That’s why it’s so important to take advantage of the New Year’s spirit and set out your game plan for the next 52 weeks.

There is a saying that comes to mind: “If you keep doing what you’ve always done then you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten” It’s really as simple as that. Think about all the things you want to improve in your life and then think about how you can make change in how or what you do so that those positive changes in your life can take place. Just something to think about. Now to get to the point of this blog post.  

YouTube has become a bigger and bigger part of my life and business plan moving forward. What started out as a just-for-fun project has become a real passion. Late last year my YouTube focus really started to narrow in on what it was that I really wanted. I asked myself, do I want to keep aimlessly creating videos because I enjoy making videos or do I want to unify my efforts and work towards building something greater? I spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted and how I would have to change what I did in order to reach my goals. My first goal is to have fun making videos. Check that box off. My second goal is to attract like minded people who are into photography and videography and build an online community that we could all benefit from being a part of. That box I’m working on. And my final goal is to make a living from the content I create through my social media platforms. Hopefully I can make some big strides towards checking that box off before the next 52 weeks are up. So that’s my plan.

Now things may change as I learn and grow but at this point in time I feel like there are two things I need to focus on in order to build that online community. One is interaction. I do spend time responding to people online and trying to generate interactions that will hopefully lead to more interactions. The second thing I need to focus on, and I feel like this is the big one, is creating content that people find value in. And if you’ve been following my channel for a while you would have noticed a shift in my content towards the end of last year. I’ve stepped away from shooting vlogs and random photoshoots to a content stream that is more focused on teachables. I’m going to be making more tutorials on Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, as well as tutorials on how to be a better photographer and videographer. I’m also going to be focusing on equipment reviews because we all love our cameras. With 16 years of experience in the industry I feel I can give some valuable advice to those who are just starting out. That's the community I want to build. Now that I know what I want to do it’s just a matter of using these 52 weeks to my advantage to create the best content I can. 

Growing an online community and making an income as a YouTuber is a lot harder than having hopes and dreams. It takes a lot of grind time and smart planning. This blog post is part of that grind. Now that I’ve said it publicly I am accountable and have to get it done.

As of right now I have 5,168 subscribers on YouTube. My 2020 average slash line per month was 13,083 views, 833 viewing hours, 45 subscribers and $35 in ad revenue. By the end of 2021 I want to significantly increase these averages. If my slash line looks closer to 40,000, 2000, 100, $200 I’d say I had a good year. I’ll make a follow-up blog post at the end of the year so we can see what happened.

Stay positive and work hard my online friends. If you’re not already subscribed to my channel click the link below and get on it. Also check out my online store. You can buy some merch, presets or donate to help out a creator.

Wish you all an amazing 2021.

Vasko Obscura

Hello I am a photographer, videographer and content creator available for hire. message me through my webpage for more.

