Photography is a dynamic art form, and as a photographer, you're often required to think on your feet and adapt to unexpected situations. One common challenge that photographers face on set is when a client asks for additional work, such as extra photos or behind-the-scenes videos for social media, that were not initially agreed upon when the photo shoot was planned. While these requests can catch you off guard, they also present an opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism and flexibility. In this blog post, we'll discuss six valuable strategies for handling such impromptu client requests while maintaining a positive working relationship and delivering exceptional results.


Communicate Clearly:

The first step in handling unexpected client requests is open and clear communication. Politely express that the request wasn't part of the initial agreement but that you're willing to consider it. Ask the client for more details and clarify how this request might affect the existing schedule and budget. By engaging in a dialogue, you can ensure everyone is on the same page and make an informed decision.

Assess Feasibility:

Evaluate whether the client's request is feasible within the current shoot conditions and timeframe. Consider factors like available equipment, lighting, and personnel. If you believe you can accommodate the request without compromising the quality of the primary shoot, discuss the logistics with the client and provide a realistic timeline for delivery.

Negotiate Terms:

In some cases, accommodating an additional request may require a change in the terms of your agreement. If the request substantially increases the scope of work, discuss the potential impact on your compensation and any additional expenses incurred. Be transparent about your pricing structure and how these changes will affect the overall project. Do not agree to do any additional work without off the cuff. Some clients will try to catch you off guard and ask you for additional work hoping that you will agree without thinking about it. When clients ask me for work outside of what we agreed upon my first response is always: “Give me a moment to consider it and get back to you” That way I do not feel rushed to make a choice I might regret. 

Prioritize Creativity:

While impromptu requests can be challenging, view them as an opportunity to showcase your creative prowess. Think outside the box and find innovative ways to incorporate the new elements into the shoot. Whether it's capturing candid behind-the-scenes moments or creating extra shots, maintain your artistic integrity and ensure that the additional work aligns with your style.

Document Everything:

To protect both yourself and your client, document any changes or agreements in writing. Outline the specifics of the additional work, including the number of photos, duration of behind-the-scenes videos, and any alterations to the original contract. Having a written record can prevent misunderstandings and disputes later on. This is probably the most important tip on this list as it has personally saved my butt a few times. Always put any changes requested by the client in writing or at the very least have them email you the request from their phone.

Stay Professional:

Regardless of how unexpected or challenging the client's request may be, maintaining a professional demeanor is paramount. Be patient, flexible, and adaptable. Remember that your reputation is on the line, and delivering exceptional results under pressure can lead to future opportunities and referrals. But with that being said if you’ve assessed the situation and you can not reasonably accommodate the new request then don’t be afraid to turn down the request.


As a photographer, your ability to handle impromptu client requests can set you apart in a competitive industry. By communicating clearly, assessing feasibility, negotiating terms, prioritizing creativity, documenting agreements, and maintaining professionalism, you can successfully navigate these situations and turn them into opportunities for growth. Embrace the unexpected, and you'll not only satisfy your clients but also strengthen your reputation as a versatile and talented photographer.

Vasko Obscura

Hello I am a photographer, videographer and content creator available for hire. message me through my webpage for more. www.vaskoobscura.com


