What is the telephoto look?

Have you ever seen a photo with a unique, compressed look, where objects in the background appear much closer than they actually are in real life? In the biz, this is what we call "the telephoto look".

Telephoto lenses are a type of lens that have a longer focal length than your standard 50mm. This means they can magnify the image and bring distant objects closer, while also producing a narrower field of view that can make objects appear closer together than they actually are.

When used correctly, this compression effect can create a visually stunning image with a reduced sense of depth and distance. The telephoto look is a popular choice for portrait and wildlife photography, where the subject is often isolated from the background, making it stand out even more.

Moreover, telephoto lenses can produce a pleasing bokeh (blurred background) effect, which can add depth and dimensionality to the image. This effect is created by the shallow depth of field produced by the lens, which blurs the background while keeping the subject in sharp focus.

However, it's worth noting that telephoto lenses also have some drawbacks. They can be heavy and expensive, and they require more distance between the photographer and the subject to fit everything in the frame. They also require more stability, as even a slight movement can result in a blurry image.

Overall, the telephoto look is a powerful artistic tool that can create images with a unique perspective and atmosphere. Whether you're capturing portraits, wildlife, or landscapes, a telephoto lens can help you achieve stunning results. Just remember to be patient, experiment, and practice to master this unique style of photography.


📸 Footage shot with the Ashi Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 200mm f4
📌 The lens in this video is the 1971 model and is designated with the Asahi name. In 1975 the design of this lens changed and so did the name. It became the SMC Pentax 200mm f4.

Vasko Obscura

Hello I am a photographer, videographer and content creator available for hire. message me through my webpage for more. www.vaskoobscura.com


MIR-1 37mm f2.8 Grand Prix Brussles 1958 Sample Footage


😱 It Was The Wrong Lens!!!!