Sony revolutionized the industry. They brought a lot of new tech to the table but the one thing that bothered me about their cameras is the one reason I had to sell my Sony A7III. Overall I thought the A7III was a fantastic camera. It was my first mirrorless camera and my first experience with IBIS and eye AF tracking which was incredible. The only thing I could not wrap my head around was the awkward color science. I found myself either spending a lot of extra time trying to get the colors the way I wanted or going totally crazy with the colors like I did for this shoot.

These images were shot with the Sony A7III + Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8L II and the EF 50mm f1.4. Only the first shot was taken with the 16-35mm the rest were all shot with the 50mm f1.4. I was using a Metabones adapter to adapt the Canon glass to the Sony camera. For the most part the adapter worked well. Every now and then the AF would lock up and I would have to turn the camera off and on to get it going again. One of the big issues I found with the adapted lenses was the the bokeh. If you look at the top right corner of the fist shot you’ll see a very strange blotchy bokeh. In the other images shot with the 50mm you can see that the bokeh should be a lot smoother at f1.4. The bokeh is too distracting. Not a huge deal but worth pointing out.

I left one BTS shot in the gallery so you can see what the images coming out of the camera looked like. I wasn’t happy with the color science so I used my Classic Negish preset pack to really push the colors into the abstract. The presets are kinda based on Fujifilm’s Classic Negative film simulation. For these images I pushed the effect to the maximum and went a little crazy with the coloring. It worked for this set. Thanks to Asha Urielle for modeling and putting up with me as I was trying to figure out the camera setting on the fly. Overall I’m happy with the shots. Something different for the portfolio.

Vasko Obscura

Hello I am a photographer, videographer and content creator available for hire. message me through my webpage for more.

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