Hey people of the internet welcome to this vlog series exploring microstock in 2019. I’m going to be exploring the world of stock photography from a fresh perspective now that I’ve been out of the game for nine years. I am making a series of videos documenting my return to stock photography while at the same time using my experience in the industry to create tutorial videos for those of you looking to get into the industry. I’ll be posing all the videos in this series on this blog post.

My goal is to create videos that you people of the internet find value in so if you have any suggestions or feedback please feel free to leave comments on the YouTube videos and I’ll respond.

I was a full time microstock shooter with iSockPhoto from 2005 till 2010-ish. It was my ticket into the photography world. I learned so much through producing stock photos. Not only was shooting stock photography a great way to learn how to shoot photos but it also allowed me to build up a strong passive income stream. Even after I stopped shooting stock photos I was still generating $4000 a month from photo sales. However nothing lasts forever and that income stream has dwindled to $200 a month. I still find it amazing that I’m generating any revenue from work I did 9 years ago. This brings me to the reason I’m getting back into microstock photography. Passive income is a great way to supplement your income and I plan on building up a profitable portfolio again. So come join me on this six month adventure back into the world of microstock and hopefully I can inspire some of you out there to get into microstock too.

If you find value in the videos I’m producing please subscribe to my YouTube channel I would really appreciate it. You can also find me on Instagram @vaskoobscura and Twitter @vaskoobscura as well.

Click here to checkout my iStock portfolio: https://www.istockphoto.com/ca/portfolio/Vasko?sort=best

It’s not written in stone but here are some potential upcoming videos. If there is anything you’d like me to touch base on message me and let me know.
- What equipment do you need to shoot stock photos
- How do you find models to shoot for stock photos
- What is the best thing to shoot for your portfolio
- How to upload images to iStock
- Behind the scenes at a stock photography shoot
- Chats with other stock photographers
- Conceptualizing stock photo shoots
- Stock photography production workflow
- Six month plan progress + thoughts.
- Upload rejection and photo editing workflow

Vasko Obscura

Hello I am a photographer, videographer and content creator available for hire. message me through my webpage for more. www.vaskoobscura.com




Lens Info - EF-S 10-18mm f4.5-5.6 IS STM