Well it turns out Selena is a riot. Totally awesome to work with and full of laughs. Mayra was on point in serious business mode. But that didn't last to long. The conversation was light and fun and the laughs came often. Before long we hit our stride, everyone was happy and all the shots were winners. You know It's a funny thing, literally, when everyone is smiling on set all the pictures come out amazing. Maybe I'm really newage with my thinking but when the fun is flowing it changes the energy in the room and everything becomes better. It's so hard to take a bad shot when you're having fun. Than before you know it the designer and the model turn the shoot into a dance party. hahahaha. #TrueStory
Model: Selina Stevens
If you're a fitness competitor go check out Mayra sews all her bikinis herself and she's a perfectionist which means you're probably going to get an awesome product for your stage show. I haven't seen one bikini from her that I didn't like. Oh and she also made those wings too. How cool is that.