Fujinon TCL-X100 II - Lens Info & Sample Photos


Fujinon TCL-X100 II

The Fujinon TCL-X100 II is a lens attachment specifically made for Fujifilm’s X100 series cameras. It’s a fun way to add something new and exciting to an already fun and exciting camera system. This lens comes in silver or black to match the aesthetic of your X100. It screws onto the front of the camera and changes the native 35mm full frame equivalent focal length of the camera to a 50mm focal length which in my opinion makes the X100 much better at shooting portraits. However there are some quirks in the lens you need to be aware of.


Released Date: 2018
Format: For Fujifilm X100 Series Cameras
Mount: X100 Screw Mount
Filter: 62mm
Aperture Blades: -
Aperture Range: -
Min Focus Distance: 0.5m
Lens IS: No
Weight 180g
Optical Design: 4 elements in 3 groups


Design and Build Quality

The Fujinon TCL-X100 Version II is thoughtfully designed to complement the sleek aesthetic of your X100 camera. Weighing in at 180 grams (6.3 ounces), it changes the balance of your camera making it more front heavy. This makes your X100 fell more like a vintage camera than a point and shoot. The lens features a high-quality metal construction that not only enhances durability but also gives it a premium feel. For build quality and visual appeal I give this lens a 10/10


Gear Shots


Optical Performance

A lot of reviews praise this lens but to be perfectly honest considering the price point of this screw on lens, $350 USD (current Amazon price) and the just-ok optical performance I don’t think it’s great value for money. If this lens was priced around $199 it would make a lot more sense.

When it comes to camera functions like auto focus and light metering this lens preforms great. It seamlessly integrates into the X100 system.

From an optical perspective this lens does not enhance image quality over the native lens. However, it does diminish image quality with some heavy distortion. One thing I noticed about the TCL converter is that if you use it and shoot JPG the distortion created by the lens is corrected in camera. However, if you are shooting RAW you’ll have to correct for the distortion in post. I’ve left some sample shots below uncorrected so you can see what the distortion looks like. Another interesting thing to note is that when shooting portraits of people the distortion will create an overall slimming effect on the subject’s face. You could use this to your advantage to make clients appear slimmer. The photos of the model in the sparkly dress where not corrected.



Let’s talk bokeh! Since this lens attachment has a longer focal length does it also create a more distinct bokeh effect. YES! For those of you who love that bokeh look the TCL-X100II will allow you to get more of that creamy soft background separation. However, I’ll note that in order to get that soft background you’ll have to shoot at the lens’ minimum focus distance of 0.5 meters (1.64 feet)



The TCL-X100 II is designed specifically for the Fujifilm X100 series cameras and it’s 49mm front lens screw mount. As of right now this lens attachments fits on every X100 camera up to the X00VI. I don’t see Fujifilm messing with a winning recipe so I think it’s safe to assume that this lens will also work with future iterations of this camera series.


User Experience

Using the TCL-X100 II feels intuitive and seamless. You just screw it on and start shooting! Well it’s not that simple. First you have to unscrew the filter you have on your camera put that in your pocket then take the TCL-X100 II out of your camera bag and screw it onto your camera. To be perfectly honest it’s a bit of a cumbersome process. I’m not saying this is good or bad, user experience is subjective but the one thing to keep in mind is that the beauty of the X100 system is that it’s quick, easy and pocketable. Perfect for photography on the go. When you put the TCL-X100 II on the camera it’s no longer pocketable so you’ll have to start carrying a camera bag. Not a big deal but it does change the nature of the camera.

Another thing worth noting is that both the TCL and WCL lens adapters will block the camera’s built in flash. So if you use your flash as a fill flash during the day or as your key light at night just keep in mind you’ll have to buy a hot shoe flash if you don’t want to be casting lens shadows on your images.


Sample Photos


Final Thoughts

Is this lens worth buying that is the big question? I can’t definitively say yes or no. If you want to get into portrait photography you’re better off buying an X-T5 with a portrait lens. If you’re after that bokeh look you’re batter off buying a full frame camera. But on the other side of the coin the X100 series of cameras is so much fun to use adding this lens accessory to your kit just enhances the fun factor. If you look at this lens in terms of value for money it’s over priced. But if you look at this lens as entertainment the fun you can have with it makes it great value for money. Are the X100 series cameras good? As an owner of the X100V and now the X100VI I can honestly say they suck. Autofocus is awful, ergonomics terrible, image quality meh but if funness was a factor they would score 100%. Which is why I upgraded to the X100VI. It’s just a fun system that allows you to enjoy photography in a very unique way. The same philosophy applies to the TCL-X100 II. It’s not particularly great at anything but it does enhance the fun factor of using your X100 camera. So from that perspective I say it’s a great buy. Just wait for it to go on sale or pick it up used like I did. Than you won’t feel so bad about spending money on kit that isn’t goin to move the needle.

Vasko Obscura

Hello I am a photographer, videographer and content creator available for hire. message me through my webpage for more. www.vaskoobscura.com


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