Seductive beauty Anni Laurie Wade shot by Studio V Photography. This past summer I had the pleasure of working with Annie twice on a set of magazine submission shoots for VX2 Magazine. This shot is from our second shoot up in the Georgian Bay area. Myself and fellow photographer Paul Venomous had shot all the content we had set out to shoot and the day was coming to a close. I was packing up my gear and getting ready for the trek back to Toronto when I noticed Annie and the other models playing around in the water. Annie was in her black bikini with black sunglasses black hair and striking blue eyes on the blue water. Well, let me just say, that was all the inspiration I needed to pull out my just-packed-away camera again and snap a few quick shots before the sun set. In the moment I was happy that I shot a few extra shots but later when I looked at the pictures I was kicking myself for not taking the time to try and shoot a full submission set. Chalk that one up to a learning experience. ;) 

Annie is an interesting character in the way that she is a happy, smiling, bubbly fun to be around kind of chick. That's how I perceived her character, so that was the way I tried to portray her in my photos. But every now and then the jovial expression would disappear and these confident seductive eyes would be gazing back at me. I had no idea she could pull off this look till the end of our shoot. For me this is a game changer. The next time I work with her there's going to be a little less laughter and a lot more fire. 

Vasko Obscura

Hello I am a photographer, videographer and content creator available for hire. message me through my webpage for more.

